

What you need to know:

We need to deal with the nest not just an individual bee flying by. Paper wasps, yellow jackets, carpenter bees and bumble bees are common species in our area. Yellow jackets are the most common type that we deal with on a regular basis. Nests are usually inside of something and not exposed. Carpenter bees are as big as bumble bees but choose to drill holes in wood to lay their eggs. They can do a significant amount of damage if left untreated. Bees and wasps will sting, not bite, when they or their nests are threatened. Some people are allergic to the venom and will suffer anaphylactic shock.

control measures

Control has to involve treating the nest with a residual insecticide. Removal of the nest is optional.
We offer a flexible service plan designed to fit your particular circumstances and budget. Treatments can be part of an overall annual service plan or purchased per visit.